325 ordspråk av John Ashcroft

John Ashcroft

John Ashcroft föddes den May 9th 1942
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 are not suspected of any criminal activities.

 as a delaying tactic to try to shield the details of unofficial acts having nothing to do with national security, but everything to do with Mr. Clinton's personal legal problems.

 As an American who cares about our culture, I want to restrict a mass murderer's access to the public podium, ... I do not want anyone to be able to purchase access to the podium of America with the blood of 168 innocent victims.

 As today's indictment makes clear, the Department of Justice will prosecute those who jeopardize the nation's security by mishandling classified, sensitive information important to the war on terrorism,

 At this time, most intelligence focuses on possible attacks on U.S. interests overseas,

 begin a new era of cooperation and coordination in defending America's homeland.

 Between three and six individuals on each of the hijacked airplanes were involved, ... We know that they were trained and technically proficient, that they were trained in the United States to fly, some of them at least, to fly these airplanes, and they flew them with deadly accuracy.

 But before I act on that plan I want to confer with the individuals in Oklahoma, and families of the victims and that will take place shortly,

 But Justice decided this was a big deal and that the first word should come from the attorney general,

 But we don't believe that an enemy combatant qualifies for all of the safeguards that are included for people who are charged with crimes in our criminal justice system,

 But, ... I know the difference between enactment and enforcement.

 Charges of kangaroo courts and shredding the Constitution give new meaning to the term 'fog of war,'

 Civilized people - Muslims, Christians and Jews - all understand that the source of freedom and human dignity is the Creator

 Colombia estimates the AUC has committed 804 assassination, 203 kidnappings, 75 massacres with 507 victims in the first 10 months of 2000, ... boasted that 70 percent of its finances comes from drug trafficking.

 Corrupt corporate executives are no better than common thieves when they betray employees and investors,

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