It's a very good time for horror. This business certainly has changed, but there's still room for serious horror films. Look at 28 Days Later, that's not a tongue-in-cheek picture. |
Lion of the Desert. |
Most of us come from the world of low-budget features. You learn to work quickly. But these were great -- they're very much like well-developed short stories. |
One could make money and get a career going with a low-budget horror film about killers attacking on holidays. It is always flattering to have somebody copy you. |
Our initial agreement in 2003 leveraged our respective strengths, combining Caterpillar's distribution and component expertise with Blount's strong product position. The alliance will only improve by adding the strength of the Caterpillar brand. |
Our officer reached out and grabbed her arm just as she was about to go over the edge. |
There was no real censorship involved, which is a tantalizing draw, |
There's not a lot of breadth, so I make sure they have the training, that's how you maintain the edge. |
To make Michael Myers frightening, I had him walk like a man, not a monster. |
We didn't think they should get away with it. |
We have all been beaten up in our careers, because horror is viewed as a low-rent genre, just a notch or two above pornography. And while it's true that we traffic in dark areas of violence and horror in our profession, because we get everything out on the screen and don't carry it around with us, we really are mostly nice guys. |
We have been fortunate not to have more incidents there, |
What scares me is what scares you. We're all afraid of the same things. That's why horror is such a powerful genre. All you have to do is ask yourself what frightens you and you'll know what frightens me. |