294 ordspråk av John Edwards

US  John Edwards

John Edwards föddes den June 10th 1953
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 We're going to have a campaign and an election, not a coronation.

 We're going to try to do a little better this time, and I'm convinced we will.

 We're in as good a financial shape, maybe the best financial shape, as any of the campaigns, ... Tonight, I go to Memphis. I'll be in Tennessee. I'll be in New York, Michigan, Virginia. I expect to compete very hard in Michigan.

 We're missing some of that leadership in the White House now.

 We're past all this preliminary stuff. It's time to choose a president.

 We're second in Missouri, and in a hot contest for first in Oklahoma, ... So this is a huge night for us.

 We've never elected a Democrat president of the United States without winning at least five Southern states, ... If Democrats across the country want to take a risk on the first time in American history, that's a possibility -- they can do that. What I give them is a candidate who can win everywhere in America.

 We've waited four years for this victory, ... We can wait one more night.

 What he does is he comes into a ticketed event, stands at the podium, delivers a speech, may shake a few hands on his way out, ... What I've been doing is I've been in people's homes, on Main Street, in cafes -- not only talking but listening. Giving speeches does not teach you what the problems are that people are facing in their lives.

 What they've learned and documented over time is actually the repayment rate for low-income families is at least as good, in some cases higher, than other families.

 What we did is we voted on a resolution. It is for the president of the United States to determine how to conduct the war. That's his responsibility, ... What this comes down to is this president has failed in his responsibility.

 What we have been preparing for the entire time is a nomination process that's going to go well into March. We're prepared for that. We have the resources to do that.

 What will happen now, between now and Election Day - particularly given the fact we are going to have debates, both presidential and vice-presidential debates - is the American people are going to see a very clear contrast.

 What you're going to say to a family that's lost their job because of bad trade agreements is, 'Don't worry, we've got a Washington committee that's studying this for you,'

 Whatever your personal views on General Shelton, I'm sure you agree that he is a respected military leader who served our country with distinction. When I talk to the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, it's about the safety and security of our men and women in uniform, not about politics.

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