294 ordspråk av John Edwards

US  John Edwards

John Edwards föddes den June 10th 1953
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 whatever [Democratic Senate nominee] Erskine Bowles wants him to do.

 When I hear of a group of courageous workers engaged in a historic struggle, it is important to me to show that I am with them. I am with you in every step of this struggle. No American should be working full time and still living in poverty.

 When John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve are going to walk. Get up out of that wheelchair and walk again.

 When the only shot many people have is a good job rebuilding New Orleans, the president intervened to suspend prevailing wage laws so his contractor friends can cut wages for a hard day's work,

 When we raise the minimum wage, ... make it easier for labor to organize the workplace, it's good for the economy as a whole.

 While it appears on the surface that our members' employment and working conditions will not change under any new management structure, we have a long-term concern about job stability and service levels in what amounts to 15 per cent of Bell's customer base.

 who has fought for and will continue to fight for the things that all of us believe in, more jobs, better health care, cleaner air, cleaner water, a safer world.

 Why would anyone want to take overtime pay away from as many as six million Americans at a time when they need that money the most?

 With a president who believes that he has the kind of executive power he thinks he has -- which is wrong, by the way -- that marriage to a Supreme Court nominee who believes in broad, expansive power is extremely dangerous to our system of government. The most important thing is for the will of the American people to do something about (poverty). I think it's there. What's missing is leadership.

 With your help, we can win!

 won't always use the same words. But we will always fight the same fight.

 You and I together can change all this, ... We can build one America where everybody has the same chance.

 You can practically hear the celebrations at the HMOs and drug companies because of this prescription drug bill,

 You can practically hear the celebrations at the HMOs and drug companies because of this prescription drug bill.

 You never go home with the characters. Right from day one that was the concept.

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