11 ordspråk av Michael Sohn

Michael Sohn

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 Chris has always said he will win or lose this election on the war. This is an issue of principle. Chris believes the war is the right thing to do.

 Chris isn't campaigning right now. He's focusing on being a member of Congress.

 Christopher is focused on doing the job he was elected to do representing the people of the Fourth District in Congress. There will be plenty of opportunity for debates in the fall.

 Christopher is grateful for the support of so many people from around the district. Their support means he can continue to focus on doing the job that he was elected to do: working on a bipartisan basis to represent the people of the fourth district, to strengthen congressional ethics rules, address our energy needs, get our financial house in order and conduct strong oversight.

 Diane has consistently said that she has made Iraq the center of her campaign. But Joe Lieberman and Chris Shays couldn't be closer on their positions in Iraq. Joe and Chris both voted to go in, and they support staying in until the job is done.

 It is something Chris has been thinking about for a long time. I think part of it did come from the flow of conversation. Chris is a person who says what he believes. When asked a question, he is not going to lie, not going to beat around the bush.

 It's an honor to have the first lady show her support.

 Since Ms. Farrell herself terms the war in Iraq 'the most important issue' in her campaign, she should probably focus on working out the differences she had with Sen. Lieberman . . . whose views on the war in Iraq are virtually identical to Christopher's.

 The most popular governor in the country.

 Their position on the war can't be closer. They both voted to go into Iraq, and they both support staying until the job is done.

 This is a typical attack from a typical politician. Any sitting first lady honors the district any time she visits.

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