45 ordspråk av Adam Sohn

Adam Sohn

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 But, to date, the Liberty Alliance has delivered no technology at all, ... It's just delivered a bunch of statements by Microsoft competitors that somehow some unannounced technology is better than proprietary technology, when in fact Passport is totally on path, announced in public to embrace an open industry standard that anybody can implement on.

 doesn't cause problems with the Windows experience.

 Everyone likes to write that the game is over -- but it is still early. The story is that people are finally lining up in the starting blocks.

 Everyone wants to single out MSN versus somebody,

 Everyone wants to single out MSN versus somebody.

 For a lot of users, it will feel like infinite scroll.

 For us it's not a big change -- there's always been competition out there,

 For us it's not a big change -- there's always been competition out there. This is further evidence to bolster what we've said all along -- that there are tons of companies trying to provide better technology to customers.

 He's been here 20 years and he wants to recharge.

 I'm not going to react to the judge. That would be counterproductive in general.

 If someone comes up with a super-hot idea ... we'll have a bunch of researchers who can take those ideas, get them prototyped and see if there's a real, healthy business there.

 If someone comes up with a super-hot idea, we'll have a bunch of researchers and developers who can take those ideas, get them prototyped and see if there's a real, healthy business there.

 If you ask our customers, they prefer we take a couple of extra days before we post a patch rather than have the public know about the problem.

 In the future there will be one search experience ? when we come out of beta (with Windows Live Search), which won't be years [from now].

 Instead of there being one big cloud or datacenter being hosted by Microsoft, there will be multiple smaller clouds hosting these services such as ISPs and other providers right out of the box,

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