22 ordspråk av Gigi Sohn

Gigi Sohn

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 Basically this merger will mean even less competition for broadband Internet, and frankly that makes a Net neutrality requirement even more imperative. If there was real competition in the provision of high-speed Internet access we might not be having this conversation, but now the world has gotten even smaller than it was before.

 It is vitally important that the Internet remains open and accessible to consumers and to service providers and remains the source of innovation it has been over the past two decades.

 It's not a recipe for piracy. It's a recipe for competition, which is what Apple really doesn't like.

 My concern is they would say 'well you know we only have enough bandwidth to provide that quality of service for our service'.

 One of the parts we really don't like is the net neutrality provision because it's extraordinarily weak. It does suffer from the same problem as the House bill to the extent that there's nothing about discrimination in there.

 Permitting broadband video providers to avoid negotiating thousands of individual franchise agreements will bring more competition to markets faster, resulting in greater consumer choice and lower prices.

 pleased to see many of the pro-competitive features of the draft.

 Should Congress grant video providers the extraordinary regulatory relief represented by national broadband video franchises -- turning nearly 40 years of local control of video services on its head -- Congress must also ensure net neutrality. Such a policy would ensure that those same companies make their broadband networks available to all applications, content and service providers on a nondiscriminatory basis.

 The fact that it's a bipartisan bill is tremendously important.

 The future of the free, open and innovative Internet we have all enjoyed through the years is not guaranteed. If the bill before the House Commerce Committee gives control of the Internet to the telephone and cable companies, the Internet we have come to appreciate could well cease to exist, and it will be almost impossible to get it back.

 The Internet we're come to know and love is at risk.

 The provisions will not stop the cable and telephone companies from degrading Internet traffic and they do not contain strong enough penalties to discourage misbehavior.

 The subcommittee missed an opportunity to maintain the free and open Internet that we have come to value over the years. The amendment ... would have set fair and reasonable boundaries on the conduct of telephone and cable companies which now will have control over the Internet, while guaranteeing the rights of consumers.

 They're just two different visions of the Internet. I see the Internet as something that gives people the power, for the first time ever, to have a megaphone. These guys want to make a closed system.

 Think of the cable system. You as a consumer have no control over what channels the cable operator picks. They pick certain channels based on where they have a financial interest. Time Warner favors the programming in which it has financial interest. We're concerned that the cable model will essentially be grafted onto the InterNet.

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