158 ordspråk av Sung Won Sohn

Sung Won Sohn

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 A booming economic condition would result.

 A quarter-point cut [Tuesday] could weaken confidence by reinforcing pessimism in the market place, ... Instead, [Fed] Chairman Greenspan should stand pat, sending a positive message that economic recovery is in sight and no additional monetary stimulus is needed.

 A slight decline should not change the picture that much, ... If you look at the fundamentals, despite all the negative news, consumers are in pretty good shape. The jobless rate is pretty low, and their net worth is going up because house prices going up.

 All the pieces are in place to generate healthy economic growth for the balance of the year, ... But so far, political and economic uncertainties have overshadowed the strengthening in corporate profits.

 And now that the economy is improving, people have greater confidence to make purchases and build homes.

 Argentina is not a potential nightmare. It's a relatively small economy compared to Mexico and Brazil.

 As long as wages are not affected by higher oil prices, the impact on inflation and monetary policy should be minimal, especially in the first year of recovery,

 Both consumer and business confidence is depressed because of uncertainty surrounding the war, ... If we can somehow bring closure to the war situation, I would expect confidence to improve dramatically, taking with it the economy and the stock market.

 Business spending is the Achilles heel of the economy, ... The economic baton needs to pass from consumers to businesses.

 Businesses are going to be waiting and seeing. The most important factor is how consumers behave, ... The cost of capital is important, but in the final analysis, you've got to sell products. If you're not going to sell products, you're not going to need capacity.

 Businesses are still awfully cautious about hiring. They used to hire in anticipation of increase in demand. [Now] they try to wait till the last minute.

 Businesses have regained confidence in the sustainability of this economic expansion and have started to hire people in earnest. Employers are trying to boost employment by adding more workers, not more hours per worker.

 But give people more information, and we can incorporate it into our thinking process. We can attach and assign probabilities and then more or less go on with our normal lives. I think that's exactly what's unfolding.

 But if things start to go wrong -- if business spending doesn't pick up, or state and local governments lay off more people than anticipated, or auto sales fall off, or interest rates go much higher -- then a combination of these factors would really affect the economy going forward.

 By the time the election is over, the Fed might be in a position to increase rates more aggressively. In 2005, we might see rates going up more than a quarter (percentage point) every other month.

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