76 ordspråk av Zacarias Moussaoui

Zacarias Moussaoui

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 All my work organization have been destroyed by the search, ... Basically I have to start from zero.

 America, I am ready to fight ... even with both hands tied behind my back,

 America, you will be destroyed like Sodom and Gomorrah. Crazy for 72 virgins.

 As a mother, she is trying her best to help her son, ... I would prefer to have my own choice.

 Brother Freeman is the only person allowed to speak, file, and undertake action outside court for me, ... smoke screen to prevent that evidence in my favor reach me.

 Brother Freeman must be allowed to see me and help me,

 Burn all Pentagon next time.

 Court is in recess. We are out, we are leaving.

 Dunham is exploiting my death penalty to become famous. Frankly, who knew him before 9/11,

 fight every inch against the death penalty.

 He explained to me you are alone all the time,

 I believe in destiny. I just speak the truth. God will take care of the rest.

 I don't know in his office how can he judge my competence. He's got some divine ability?

 I don't want to be represented by these people. These people do not represent me.

 I felt you did not have my best interest at heart. First, you are an American. Second, you are Jewish.

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