76 ordspråk av Zacarias Moussaoui

Zacarias Moussaoui

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 My credibility has been undermined by these people saying I am crazy,

 My knowledge of the operation was very gradual. I didn't know from the start. I wasn't part of the operation at the beginning because I declined to be part of the operation.

 My position was, like you say, under review. Don't make him a hero.

 never heard of him and never saw them together.

 No, I'm going to pray.

 One other member of my crew was Richard Reid. For the other people, it was not definite.

 Recently I finally (had) the chance to see the WTC collapse. In one word ? gorgeous. I was delighted. America takes its medicine.

 Richard Reid. The other crew members were not definite.

 So if you want to make sure, you can be sure that I understand what these proceeding [sic] can end up with: the end of my life.

 The government is to be given an opportunity to propose substitutions for the classified information authorized to be disclosed by the District Court, ... to be given an opportunity to respond to any proposed substitutions.

 The show must go on.

 There is no difference between the Jewish state of Palestine and Hawaii.

 There is no remorse for justice. No regret. No remorse.

 this is not what I want to do, this is not the plea that I want to enter. I want to enter a not guilty plea.

 This trial is a circus.

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