76 ordspråk av Zacarias Moussaoui

Zacarias Moussaoui

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 I was supposed to pilot a plane to hit the White House.

 I will never see the light again. I understand this,

 I will testify! Whether you want it or not, I will testify!

 I wish it had happened not only on the 11th, but the 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th.

 I'm being set up for death, my death.

 If you have fought to the best of your ability.

 It (sic) make my day.

 It can be that some people decide that I will spend my life in Florence, Colorado,

 It is not possible for me to trust my life to somebody else.

 It will be enough for the government to prove that I was in Afghanistan (which I stipulate, by the way) to convict me,

 It will take me until trial date to just load the different disc. You have provide me with the most aging computer. This is a farcical,

 make sure that my body will be buried in a Muslim land.

 Mama, I did not do anything. I can prove I did nothing. They have no proof.

 Maybe somebody looks exactly like me.

 My aim in pleading guilty was to expose all the information I have.

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