76 ordspråk av Zacarias Moussaoui

Zacarias Moussaoui

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 This would work with even the most vengeful juror. Put him in jail and one day he could save an American life.

 to go out of your filthy United Sodom and Gomorrah States of America.

 To the best of my ability.

 We have an obligation to be the superpower. You have to be subdued. America is a superpower and you want to eradicate Islam.

 We have to be the superpower. You have to be subdued. We have to be above you. Because Americans, you are the superpower, you want to eradicate us.

 We want to inflict pain on your country.

 We wanted you to have pain in your country. I just wish it would have happened Sept. 12, Sept. 13, Sept. 14 ... there's no remorse for justice.

 When he [Freeman] refuse to join their conspiracy to kill me they kick him out of the jail, ... That's the only way for them to win this case: to have no opposition.

 Yes we can say that.

 Yes you can say that.

 You have put your vested interest in keeping this case in your hands, above my interest to save my life.

 You will never get my blood, God curse you all.

 You're allowed to lie for jihad. You're allowed any technique to defeat your enemy.

 Your idea to portray me as crazy was not going to work.

 Your obligation, like any other Muslim, is to be ready for jihad.

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