Food sacred to the manes or to the gods must be given to a man distinguished by sacred knowledge, for hands, smeared with blood, cannot be cleansed with blood. |
For a man of bad conduct is blamed among people, constantly suffers misfortunes, is afflicted with diseases, and short lived. |
For each part is particularly qualified for ,the accomplishment of certain objects, ,and thus each is declared to be the most important for that particular purpose which is effected by its means. |
For his fires, not being worshipped by offerings of new grain and of an animal, seek to devour his vital spirits, ,because they are greedy for new grain and flesh. |
For in the next world neither father, nor mother, nor wife, nor sons, nor relations stay to be his companions, spiritual merit alone remains ,with him . |
For in this world there is nothing so detrimental to long life as criminal conversation with another man s wife. |
For one year let a husband bear with a wife who hates him, but after ,the lapse of a year let him deprive her of her property and cease to cohabit with her. |
For property, though earned in accordance with prescribed rules, which is given to these three ,persons , causes in the next world misery both to the giver and to the recipient. |
For the more a man completely studies the Institutes of science, the more he fully understands ,them , and his great learning shines brightly. |
For the purpose of gaining bare subsistence, let him accumulate property by ,following those irreproachable occupations ,which are prescribed for his ,caste , without ,unduly fatiguing his body. |
For the theft of agricultural implements, of arms and of medicines, let the king award punishment, taking into account the time ,of the offence and the use ,of the object . |
For the wickedness of evil minded thieves, who secretly prowl over this earth, cannot be restrained except by punishment. |
For the wisdom, the energy, the strength, the sight, and the vitality of a man who approaches a woman covered with menstrual excretions, utterly perish. |
For whom should we mourn, O Baba? This world is merely a drama. |
Forever imbued with the True Lord, the mind becomes immaculate, and its comings and goings are ended. |