But it is just that ,a man who knows ,the law should give even to all of them food and raiment without stint, according to his ability, he who gives it not will become all outcast. |
But know also that there exist in this world countless sons and grandsons of those chief classes of manes which have been enumerated. |
But she alone is approved, who dies, while yet still alive, she lives for the sake of the Love of her Beloved. |
But the foolish man who eats first without having given food to these persons does, while he crams, not know that after death he himself will be devoured by dogs and vultures. |
But the wise declare that the food which is offered to other unholy, inadmissible men, enumerated above, is turned into adipose secretions, blood, flesh, marrow, and bone. |
But when lightning and the roar of thunder ,are observed after the sacred fires have been made to blaze, the stoppage shall last as long as the light ,of the sun or of the stars is visible , if the remaining ,above named phenomenon, rain, occurs, the reading shall cease , both in the day time and at night. |
By great good fortune, I have obtained the Blessed Vision of the Guru s Darshan, blessed, blessed is my True Guru. |
By Guru s Grace, servant Nanak beholds Him, without the Lord, I have no other at all. The Lord Himself, the Lord Himself He is the Immaculate Almighty Lord God. |
By His Command, one intuitively merges and blends with Him. |
By protecting those who live as ,becomes Aryans and by removing the thorns, kings, solely intent on guarding their subjects, reach heaven. |
By spies, by a ,pretended display of energy, and by carrying out ,various undertakings, let the king constantly ascertain his own and his enemy s strength. |
By the destiny written upon their foreheads, they become truly unattached, and by reflective meditation, they are imbued with Truth. |
By the means of clever reformed thieves, who associate with such ,rogues , follow them and know their various machinations, he must detect and destroy them. |
By the sacred tradition the woman is declared to be the soil, the man is declared to be the seed, the production of all corporeal beings ,takes place through the union of the soil with the seed. |
By twice born men a widow must not be appointed to ,cohabit with any other ,than her husband , for they who appoint ,her to another ,man , will violate the eternal law. |