Deep within, she is attuned to His Love, intoxicated with delight, her enemies and sufferings are all taken away. |
Deep within, they are stained with the filth of emotional attachment to Maya, they deal in Maya alone. |
Defrauded by Maya and worldly affairs, the weepers weep. They weep for the sake of worldly affairs, and they do not wash off their own filth, the world is a dream. |
Do not make that equal, which is unequal. The food of that liberal ,usurer is purified by faith, ,that of the of the other ,man is defiled by a want of faith. |
Do not place yourself above others, dwell within your own mind. |
Doubt and Maya have been removed from within me, and I am merged in the True Name. Merged in the True Name, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, meeting my Beloved, I have found peace. |
Drinking ,spirituous liquor , associating with wicked people, separation from the husband, rambling abroad, sleeping ,at unseasonable hours , and dwelling in other men s houses, are the six causes of the ruin of women. |
Drinking in the Ambrosial Nectar, I have become immortal, my comings and goings have ceased. |
During fifteen years the manes do not eat ,the food of that man who disdains a ,freely offered gift , nor does the fire carry his offerings ,to the gods . |
Dwell in peace in the home of your own being, and the Messenger of Death will not be able to touch you. |
Egotistical involvement in Maya is filth, Maya is overflowing with filth. |
Either let them thus live together, or apart, if ,each desires ,to gain spiritual merit, for ,by their living separate ,their merit increases, hence separation is meritorious. |
Eliminate my doubt, pain and suffering in an instant, and preserve me, O Lord, Merciful to the meek. |
Emotional attachment to Maya is total madness, through the love of duality, one is ruined. |
Emotional attachment to Maya is totally painful, this is a bad bargain. |