Eunuchs and outcasts, ,persons born blind or deaf, the insane, idiots and the dumb, as well as those deficient in any organ ,of action or sensation , receive no share. |
Even Kings and emperors with heaps of wealth and vast dominion cannot compare with an ant filled with the love of God. |
Even the male ,child of a female ,duly appointed, not begotten according to the rule ,given above , is unworthy of the paternal estate, for he was procreated by an outcast. |
Even to others, personal friends and so forth, who have come to his house out of affection, he may give food, garnished with seasoning according to his ability, at the same time with his wife. |
Even to the daughters of those ,daughters something should be given, as is seemly, out of the estate of their maternal grandmother, on the score of affection. |
Even water offered with faith to the manes in vessels made of silver or adorned with silver, produces endless bliss . |
Everyone must fulfil his destiny. |
Everything that depends on others ,gives pain, everything that depends on oneself ,gives pleasure, know that this is the short definition of pleasure and pain. |
Evil is greatly increasing in this world of skepticism, without the Name, one s honor is lost. |
Except when sick he must not touch the cavities ,of the body without a reason, and he must avoid ,to touch the hair on the secret ,parts . |
Excluded from all fellowship at meals, excluded from all sacrifices, excluded from instruction and from matrimonial alliances, abject and excluded from all religious duties, let them wander over ,this earth. |
Far from his dwelling let him remove urine ,and ordure , far ,let him remove the water used for washing his feet, and far the remnants of food and the water from his bath. |
Far from wife and son am 1, far from land and wealth and other notions of that kind. I am the Witness, the Eternal, the Inner Self. |
Five are the Muslim prayers; five their appointed hours, Five their names. These be the true prayers: The first is Truth, the second is lawful earning and the third is to beg the Graces of God for all, The fourth is the right intention in the mind and the fifth is the praise of the Lord. |
Food given to a seller of Soma becomes ordure, that given to a physician pus and blood, but that presented to a temple priest is lost, and that given to a usurer finds no place in the world of the gods . |