A mother shall obtain the inheritance of a son ,who dies without leaving issue, and, if the mother be dead, the paternal grandmother shall take the estate. |
A paid servant of a village or of a king, man with deformed nails or black teeth, one who opposes his teacher, one who has forsaken the sacred fire, and a usurer. |
A person in urgent necessity, an aged man, a pregnant woman, or a child, shall be reprimanded and clean the ,place , that is a settled rule. |
A shepherd, a keeper of buffaloes, the husband of a remarried woman, and a carrier of dead bodies, all these must be carefully avoided. |
A sick wife who is kind ,to her husband and virtuous in her conduct, may be superseded ,only with her own consent and must never be disgraced. |
A son ,legally begotten on such an appointed female shall inherit like a legitimate son of the body, for that seed and the produce belong, according to the law, to the owner of the soil. |
A son is even ,as oneself, ,such a daughter is equal to a son, how can another ,heir take the estate, while such ,an appointed daughter who is even oneself, lives? |
A son whom a damsel secretly bears in the house of her father, one shall name the son of an unmarried damsel and declare such offspring of an unmarried girl ,to belong to him who weds her ,afterwards . |
A son, born after partition, shall alone take the property of his father, or if any ,of the other sons be reunited with the ,father , he shall share with them. |
A virtuous king must not take for himself the property of a man guilty of mortal sin, but if he takes it out of greed, he is tainted by that guilt ,of the offender . |
A wife who, being superseded, in anger departs from ,her husband s house, must either be instantly confined or cast off in the presence of the family. |
After all the debts and assets have been duly distributed according to the rule, any ,property be afterwards discovered, one must divide it equally. |
After he has performed the oblations in the fire, and the whole series of ceremonies in such a manner that they end in the south, let him sprinkle water with his right hand on the spot where the cakes are to be placed . |
After the death of the father and of the mother, the brothers, being assembled, may divide among themselves in equal shares the paternal ,and the maternal estate, for, they have no power ,over it while the parents live. |
All brothers who habitually commit forbidden acts, are unworthy of ,a share of the property, and the eldest shall not make ,anything his separate property without giving ,an equivalent to his younger brothers. |