267 ordspråk av Michael Brown

Michael Brown

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 We're undertaking these actions in the interest of enhancing long-term shareholder value and to provide a strengthened foundation for our business in fiscal 2000 and going forward.

 We've already started calling in additional troops that we have available to us like the Coast Guard Auxiliary, ... We have plenty of resources, plenty of people.

 We've been able to put those things we've learned in the past in place and save many more structures,

 We've got to come in as quickly as possible and do what we can to avert another disaster.

 We've got to give good effort but also do the right thing.

 We've worked closely with a major junior team since the halfway mark of the season to tune the system and improve the usability.

 Well, the state had their National Guard troops here. The state was overwhelmed because of the vast size of this. That's why, in cooperation with the state, when they made that request and said they needed that additional help, we got it to them.

 What do you want me to say? I have admitted to mistakes publicly. I've admitted to mistakes in hearings. What more, Senator Coleman, do you want from me?

 What is tremendously exciting is we can see it from Earth; we see these big clouds coming from above these methane vents or methane volcanoes,

 What is tremendously exciting is we can see it from Earth; we see these big clouds coming from above these methane vents or methane volcanoes.

 What makes the project unique is that the replay artists have the ability to do this after the play. Camera angles do not have to be chosen in advance. All camera angles are saved and can be viewed from up to 72 synchronized views when the action is complete. Nothing is missed.

 What we have right now is a situation where, with my having access to the military, bringing in the National Guard troops, securing the area, we'll be able to continue the relief efforts that we have been doing over the last several days, ... We'll be able to ramp those up and continue the evacuation.

 When I became the director of FEMA a couple of years ago, I decided it was time we did some really serious catastrophic disaster planning. So the president gave me money through our budget to do that. And we went around the country to figure out what's the best model we can do for a catastrophic disaster in this country? And we picked New Orleans, Louisiana.

 Without the bar district, they'll be no more Irish Weekends. It would be a crime to see that tradition end.

 Yes, I learned about that, the federal government learned about that (Thursday), ... And that shows how difficult communications are in the situation where there was virtually no communications, except for our teams on the ground.

Sidan 17 av 18
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