45 ordspråk av Adam Sohn

Adam Sohn

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 This company doesn't put up with this kind of stuff -- intentionally or otherwise. There is nothing sinister or intentional going on here.

 This is an effort to formalize an organization that can respond to rapid prototyping and applied research where you can connect deep computer science to the products on Internet time. Many of these projects will be about bolstering investments in services. It's clear this religion that services are an integral part of the experience is spreading through the company.

 To some degree I think David felt comfortable enough with the state of things at MSN that now's the time.

 We are very focused on securing and maintaining the servers on our network. From a security standpoint, there should be no difference between servers.

 We did comply with their request for data in regards to helping protect children in a way that ensured we also protected the privacy of our customers. We were able to share aggregated query data, not search results, that did not include any personally identifiable information at their request.

 We investigated this report,

 We investigated this report. He was able to exploit a known security flaw that we were able to patch. The patch had not yet applied to the server.

 We simply thought that the technology was not ready and was in need of additional work toward better and more complete integration with the document object model and with HTML.

 We think we need to evolve the platform and development story to keep pace with developers who want to build these experiences that reach across the Internet. The more applications, the more value to the user and the more people gravitate to our platform.

 We tried to resolve this out of court, ... They made an offer to sell us these things for tens of thousands of dollars. We said 'no way.'

 We're disappointed. As soon as they went public with the tool that exploits the issue, they put millions of IIS servers in jeopardy. We would rather to have had this fixed before they disclosed this problem to the world.

 We're saying partners will have the flexibility to decide what they ask [users] for.

 What we want to do is attract people into the (MSN) network,

 What we want to do [with .NET My Services] is provide a general-purpose platform that allows users and developers to easily build and deploy new Web services.

 Would we prefer that our people put patches in on the same day they come out? Sure. It's hard to give you an absolute certainty that the patch had been applied across the board. Given today's incident, our security teams are going back to check out the systems.

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