5 ordspråk av Anderson Jones

Anderson Jones

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 It has nothing to do with pushing an agenda. Hollywood is going with the times. It's not cool to smoke — that's why the bad guys are smoking, the antiheroes. If smoking were cool in the real world, it would be out of control in the movies like it used to be.

 It's a form of screenwriting shorthand. If you want to indicate a character is bad or shady, you give him a cigarette.

 Movies are the most influential medium in the entire world. They shape our dreams and our hopes, they define our heroes, they often show us how to live. They can be especially influential to the young.

 The message is clear: Only someone who isn't from the right side of the tracks would put their health at risk and smoke.

 They don't like any of those people. It's all politics. No matter what happens on-set, off-set, all is forgiven when you get that Oscar.

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This website focuses on proverbs in the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian languages, and some parts including the links below have not been translated to English. They are mainly FAQs, various information and webpages for improving the collection.

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