31 ordspråk av Frederick Jones

Frederick Jones

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 (Gore) can clearly disagree, but the president has made his opinion quite clear on the NSA wiretaps and has said they will continue.

 As we stated before, the U.S. government does not support the Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline.

 He encouraged them to continue to work together to thwart the efforts of the perpetrators of the violence to sow discord among Iraq's communities.

 highly unlikely and not credible.

 No one who was present at the meeting remembers yellow cake (uranium) being discussed nor any documents being passed.

 Our position is that we did plan adequately for the postwar period.

 Our thoughts and prayers are with the prime minister and his family.

 Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas remains committed to the principles of nonviolence, recognition of Israel, and respect for previous agreements and obligations.

 Prime Minister Howard thanked the president for his personal concern for the Australian people and noted that it was appreciated.

 Saddam Hussein was given every opportunity to comply, but he chose continued defiance, even after being given one final opportunity to comply or face serious consequences. Our public and private comments are fully consistent.

 The decision as to who participates in Palestinian legislative elections is obviously up to the Palestinian Authority,

 The format this time has led North Korea to understand this is more than a bilateral conversation. It's not one voice speaking to the North Koreans. It's a coalition of five all saying the same thing.

 The minor language change did not and was not intended to alter the way sexual orientation is treated. The U.S. government policy has not changed in any way.

 The president congratulated Iraq's leaders for their strong leadership and their efforts to calm the situation and for their statements against violence and for restraint.

 The president has been pleased with the restraint shown.

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