316 ordspråk av Bill Richardson

Bill Richardson

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 We see a continuity in the energy policies of this new Venezuelan government, ... I was particularly pleased that the opening for energy investment would continue, and existing contracts would be respected.

 We seem to have forgotten our workers. We seem to have forgotten to tell them that they may have been contaminated with plutonium -- that was wrong,

 We should like the good side and dislike the bad side. You don't have to love him all the time or hate him all the time. The human being in me wants him to show humility and contrition. But would I pay to see him fight? Yes.

 We still need to do better.

 We think that refining capacity is adequate ... clearly the Middle East situation has caused a disturbance in oil prices.

 We want Bill Clinton on early to highlight the success of the Democratic Party,

 We want to engage the Chinese, we don't want to isolate them, ... We want to talk to them about nuclear non-proliferation, about warhead safety, about cooperation on science. We're not giving them extra technology, sensitive technology, nuclear information.

 We want to have things for kids who might not be into just boxing. We also want to help them mentally as well as provide a place for them to participate in different sports.

 We want to make sure there are additional security measures and resources to contain the flow of information through e-mail, fax, cyber and other forms of technological communication,

 We want to resolve this diplomatically, but we are not ruling out any option.

 We weren't awake or something. It was just a poor effort. We weren't mentally ready and it showed up physically.

 We will recover, ... This has been a tragedy for this community, but this community helped us win the Cold War, and we're going to stand very much behind them.

 We will use the Strategic Petroleum Reserve if there is a severe energy-supply disruption threatening our nation's security.

 we'll all end up sitting in the dark.

 We're a superpower with a Third World grid.

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