5 ordspråk av Conrad Burke

Conrad Burke

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 Silicon in its bulk format we all know is not an efficient emitter but when you get down to the quantum-confined sizes, you get very different effects. For the smaller sized particles you can get blue emission and for the larger particles you can get red emission. By having a film of these devices, you can electrically stimulate them.

 Some 90 percent of solar cells are based on crystalline bulk silicon and there has been no sign of a breakthrough leading to a next-generation technology. We think we have come up with unique ways to do that.

 That is the long-term promise.

 Today there is a huge dependence on fossil fuel-based solutions. The sooner other solutions become cheap enough and… lead to massive widespread adoption, the better it will be for the environment.

 You can tune the photovoltaic to capture parts of the spectrum that have not efficiently been captured before with traditional methods - the red and the infrared for example.

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