80 ordspråk av Chris Burke

Chris Burke

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 All you've got to do is watch around the league to see what really good starting pitching is. You watch other games and pitchers are coming out in the fourth, or the third, or the fifth. We've had such good starting pitching and production throughout our lineup. That's a really good formula for wins.

 Any time you have to run a decent amount away (to field a ground ball), those plays get a lot tougher, just because it's a tougher ground ball to begin with. And then you have to make sure to try not to rush (the throw), because you want to make sure you get the first out, always.

 Ball two went by and obviously I was in a good situation, ... I'm zeroing in on a fastball up in the zone. It's exactly what I got.

 Ball two went by and obviously I was in a good situation. I'm zeroing in on a fastball up in the zone. It's exactly what I got.

 Big moments like this always go too fast,

 Both sides present a lot of difficulties turning the double play, but I'd say the second baseman has the most difficult job turning it.

 Dave advised me to slide feet-first whenever possible.

 Every single day it's gotten quite a bit stronger. He's been real pleased with the amount of time it's taken to come back. It's been tough being out a week, but at the same time, I guess that's pretty good with the kind of injury I had.

 For sure it's not quite at full strength, but hopefully soon enough it will be there,

 Hard to believe, hard to describe.

 Hey, I know it's not quite that big,

 I love to be able to drive down with my wife. She has Fridays off of class and we take the weekend so she can ride down with me and we get settled in our place. It gives me extra time to get out in the warm weather and get started.

 I mean, the game turned into a little bit of a three-ring circus.

 I think I'll know more after today. It's the first time I'm on the field with batting practice and taking grounders and fly balls. We'll see how it responds.

 I try not to make too big a deal out of it. It's kind of a short span of at-bats. I realize postseason at-bats are all magnified, but at the same time, I felt pretty good the last month or six weeks of the season also.

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