10 ordspråk av James Burke

James Burke

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 From the standpoint of Ben, obviously Ben did what he did ... but we believe there were errors in both the evidence and the legal instructions to the jury, ... We respect the jury's findings, but feel the decision was flawed.

 I think it's pretty cutting edge. San Bernardino County in California visited us about it. I have had calls from Holland and South Africa.

 I told you so,

 Illegal firearms are a much more pervasive problem than they used to be,

 It was an unintentional consequence of development. Each individual developer made the decision on their own.

 It's really too early to tell. We'd like to see the numbers for the next month, month and a half before we can figure out why they are riding the bus.

 Now, too many ships were being lost like that, ... because they were lost, like that. But with the highly profitable American colonies waiting to be exploited, this was just the time for investors to be sinking their money into transatlantic transportation that wasn't sinking. So a very large prize was offered for anybody who could come up with safer ways of getting places. And back. In 1765 a clockmaker named John Harrison provided a timely solution.

 We only had a brief time to talk, ... He accepts responsibility for what he did, and is terribly, terribly sorry for what he did. In addition to Casey being hurt, now his parents are being punished for what he did.

 We used beach access as a metaphor for this issue. People for the most part can stroll around and use the beach. We think the preserves should have the same thing.

 When you read a book, you hold another's mind in your hands.

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