11 ordspråk av William Burke

William Burke

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 As you know, I serve on a number of boards, which has caused the city attorney some concern. I think it would be in the best interest of the city for me not to challenge his position.

 I am looking forward with great enthusiasm to serving another four years on the AQMD Board, ... We have accomplished a great deal in the last decade, but we also have an enormous challenge ahead of us if we are to succeed in cleaning up the Southlands smog. I really appreciate the confidence placed in me by the Speakers of the Assembly that have appointed me.

 I bless the Lord that ever my lot was cast in this part of the earth, ... The Lord has blessed me abundantly since my residence in Africa, for which I feel that I can never be sufficiently thankful.

 I think checks have declined because of electronic payment alternatives, primarily online bill pay.

 If we had jurisdiction, we would be taking a close look at the effects to Moon Brook.

 It's any race director's dream to come here. I don't know where else you'd go in the world to have this atmosphere and have all the things going on that we have going on here as in Las Vegas.

 Post-9/11, money has been spent on nuclear radiation measurement technology that doesn't work. Here we are again. Are we going to … take the technology that will actually do the job?

 They have their issues; we understand, ... It's just the timing is really bad.

 We always took care, when we were going to commit murder, that no one else should be present - that no one could swear he saw the deed done. The women might suspect what we were about, but we always put them out of the way when we were going to do it. They never saw us commit any of the murders.

 We were frequently told by Paterson that he would take as many bodies as we could get for him. When we got one, he always told us to get more.

 We're pleased for the citizens of Illinois that our request for assistance for Greene and Morgan counties was approved by FEMA and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

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