22 ordspråk av Gigi Sohn

Gigi Sohn

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 This bill needs significant improvement before it will preserve the open Internet that consumers and service providers expect and deserve.

 This is a heck of a lot better than just going out and suing the daylights out of people. My concern is that people may give up rights they may have, such as the right to limited sharing.

 This merger makes a net neutrality requirement all the more urgent.

 We are disappointed but not surprised that the committee voted to turn over the future of the Internet to the telephone and cable industry. Neither of those two sectors contributed to the creative development of the Internet, and neither is known for innovation. They are known for their desire to control what goes over their networks.

 We were very pleased to see that Chairman Barton recognized the need for preserving the model of an open broadband network by codifying the duty of broadband providers to allow subscribers to have access to the services, equipment and applications they need without interference from network providers.

 We're concerned that even if you have a robust basic Internet and higher-speed lane, they will only make it available to their favorite partners, and that's discrimination.

 You would be hard pressed to read this case to say that innovators will have to design their tech differently. I think the court was pretty clear in stating that the technological design is not a factor in determining inducement.

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