53 ordspråk av Renee Montgomery

Renee Montgomery

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 I think the game went well. We all played together so well.

 I think the happiest thing that we came across was that it was the exact same situation but we handled it differently. It shows that we grew up and changed and I think that was the best feeling.

 I think the Tennessee game was just a big eye-opener as far as like we need more offensive threats. And I just wanted to make sure that I could help them with that. When I'm open I was just always looking for somebody to pass it to instead of looking to score myself. I just never looked to score.

 I think this is a great step and I think it gives Ann a lot of confidence as well as Barbara and (Crockett), that they can take over the game and they can control the game. And that's all we'll need going into the (NCAA) tournament, because if they all play the way they did, we're going to win.

 I think we have been a little bit of everywhere emotionally. People have been sad, angry. Now I think everybody is focused and ready to go and ready to take their emotions out on the floor and just play the way we feel we can. We don't want the feeling of losing again. It is now or never. Every game from now on is, 'Loser go home,' basically.

 I think we learned to trust each other more. A lot of times we weren't making that extra pass in the Rutgers game because people were trying to take it upon themselves to get things going. But now I think that we trust each other. We make that extra pass and somebody's going to make that shot and I think that's what's going to get us through the game.

 I thought it was in. I thought we were going into double overtime. I don't know what else to say about it.

 I was happy with how I played. I think the main thing for me was just being aggressive at both ends of the floor. I think every day more and more as I get yelled at and as I learn it helps you figure out your role. And then once you do what they tell you that you should be doing, and everything starts clicking with everybody else, you realize that they're right.

 I was taking it upon myself to make sure that I didn't turn over the ball and that I had control of the game. Whether it was like getting it to the right person or getting the open shot, I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to be the reason we lost and hopefully I was going to be one of the big reasons we won.

 I was watching her shot fly through the air and was like, 'Please fall off,' and it just kept going. And I was like, 'Oh my gosh, please don't.' And then it hit and I just started screaming and running. I blanked out after that.

 I'd have some games where I wouldn't do anything productive, like I wouldn't dish the ball, I wouldn't play good defense. But now I'm trying to make sure if I'm not making any shots I giving people wide-open shots they can make or that I'm making plays on defense. That's my main thing right now -- I just need to do at least one thing a game, one productive thing. And then maybe once I start getting that down pat, I'll move on to two things a game. That's my main focus.

 I've been saying from the beginning that I don't want to be the reason we lose because that would be a terrible feeling. I just tried to put myself in a situation where I could help the team and not hurt the team.

 I've never been in anything like this. It was so emotional. Half the team came back and cried just because it was such an emotional game and we knew we were blessed.

 I?m not where I want to be, nowhere near it, actually. I?m happy with the way I?m progressing though.

 It seems like every time after a loss we come back strong. That is bad because you don?t want to have to have a loss to come back strong, but I think every time we do lose a game, we come back re-focused and stronger than we were before. I hope this will be like that again.

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