463 ordspråk av Tom Daschle

Tom Daschle

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 What happened on September 11th did not diminish our strength, ... It renewed it.

 what I think they truly are, harsh and right-wing, with absolutely no indication for an appreciation for compassion.

 What I'm going to do is talk to my colleagues a little bit. It was a very helpful briefing, and we were in a position to ask a lot of good questions, ... more to say about it later.

 What we need is just a clear understanding on all sides that we are not going to offer amendments, we are not going to be one-upping each other here, ... There are a lot of ways, rhetorically or legislatively that we might get into some sort of bidding war on statements that I think could be counterproductive. What we want is a simple opportunity for us to again reassert our strong support and our friendship with Israel.

 What we're offering is real jobs, real opportunity and real prosperity -- a plan that works for our country,

 When I was accused of being an obstructionist, there was a corresponding, a very significant increase in the number of issues that my family and I had to deal with. And I worry about that,

 When it comes to our second battle, our economic battle, I think most Americans would probably agree that the news hasn't been so good lately. But there's no reason we can't win both our battles, ... If we can root out a network of terrorists half a world away, we can solve the problems in our own economy.

 When you look at what John Edwards has done for working families, for people who have been fighting hard all their lives to make ends meet, I can't think of a more qualified candidate than John Edwards,

 where I come from would earn a trip to the woodshed.

 Whether it's in trade, whether it's in a more permanent presence, whether we can find ways to assist in the Kashmiri dispute, I think that there are ways in which the United States can continue to show its gratitude and to be the player it needs to be in this region and certainly with the government of this country,

 Whether we come up with a solution or not is an open question. Members on both sides of the aisle are wanting to be careful about things we write here.

 While our effort began as a war against terrorism, it continues now as an effort to rebuild this country ... to restore the quality of life and the kind of government they have fought so hard to obtain now,

 Why does their proposal exclude over 100 million Americans from its limited number of protections? ... They're slicing this issue as thin as they can and hoping the American people don't see through their strategy. Why do they include a poison pill -- unlimited medical savings accounts that could make health insurance unaffordable for many Americans? Well, my guess is they really don't want legislation to pass this year.

 Why mess with success? If the language worked in the House, you would think it would work here in the Senate as well,

 With great regret, I will pull the bill tomorrow, with the offer that should [Republicans] choose at any time to sit down and to sincerely want to find some solution, I am ready, we are ready and we will do that at a moment's notice,

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