463 ordspråk av Tom Daschle

Tom Daschle

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 We're disappointed this couldn't be better, ... this is a substantial improvement over what we started with.

 We're facing very difficult times.

 We're going to bump the session now until Dec. 5, ... The feeling was there was just too much uncertainty swirling around both Washington and the campaigns to make the session productive.

 We're going to hit this economy awfully hard in the coming months, ... We will be laying out a plan that is immediate, that is targeted directly to the middle class and that doesn't exacerbate the debt.

 We're in a very unpredictable mode at this point,

 We're not going to embarrass this president,

 We're not going to give. We fought very hard to get to this point, ... A meaningful patients' bill of rights is one of the most important things the American people want us to do.

 We're not supportive of getting away from the basic Medicare construct,

 We're prepared to go to the debate. We understand that the votes may not be there. We are virtually locked out of any Republican support, in large measure because they appear to be making this a party-line test vote,

 We're still troubled by the CBO analysis that we're using Social Security trust funds, at least $19 billion,

 We're talking about transporting roughly 70,000 metric tons of deadly waste from nuclear facilities in 39 states across our nation's highways, railways and waterways to Yucca Mountain,

 We've finally gotten rid of the deficit, and they're hell-bent on bringing it back,

 We've got to rise to a higher level,

 We've tried all the voluntary options, ... They have all failed. We know what we've got to do.

 Were it not for the fact that we demonstrated good faith today, we would not be able to demonstrate good faith when challenges and difficult circumstances arise.

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