463 ordspråk av Tom Daschle

Tom Daschle

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 With regard to fairness perhaps the most important element is to ensure that we provide the bulk of tax relief to working families.

 would almost exclusively go to the wealthiest Americans.

 You almost need to take a nitro-glycerin tablet just to read these numbers,

 You know, we see it in foreign countries and we think, 'Well, my God, how can this religious fundamentalism become so violent?' Well, it's that same shrill rhetoric, it's that same shrill power that motivates. Somebody says something and then it becomes a little more shrill the next time. And then more shrill the next time. And pretty soon it's a foment that becomes physical in addition to just verbal,

 [Daschle criticized the tobacco companies for walking away from the tobacco bill, saying they] are not playing this very smartly. ... changed one vote.

 [Democrats seized on the revelation, with the Democratic National Committee accusing the administration of] hypocrisy ... difficult position to criticize others.

 [House Democratic Leader Richard Gephardt, D-Missouri, praised Bush for taking] a step in the right direction ... we've got to go further.

 [On the other side of the aisle, Daschle (D-South Dakota) said Tuesday he wants to find a bipartisan way to expedite the proceeding against Clinton.] I think that the window is going to close here very shortly, ... I don't think we have many days in which to come to some closure here in terms of the procedure itself. I am hopeful that we can do it this week.

 [Only] when America is secure at home and our strength abroad is respected and not resented, only then will we have a union as strong as the American people,

 [Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle said the revelation might cause major problems during confirmation hearings for the nominee.] I think it would present very serious problems, ... Face the Nation.

 [The size of the surplus] is just a guess, ... Why should we bet our economic future on something that may not happen?

 [This time around, Democrats won't be waved off by right-wing commentators or by contrived and insincere appeals to national unity.] I don't think we should pay a whit of attention to administration criticisms, ... Democrats need to ask the hard questions and ignore the political attacks that are destined to come when we ask them.

 [Thune told CNN's Wolf Blitzer he] had a very gracious conversation ... offered his congratulations and his assistance.

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