Blocking access to education is irrational. Education is crucial to achieving employment, and that's the best way to keep people away from crime and out of prison. |
Students have less rights. They can be drug tested and can be searched on reasonable suspicions. Whereas with adults, you have to have a warrant signed by a judge or probable cause. The consent degree in this case will hold the police to a higher standard, which will help prevent them from overreaching again. The message it sends to everyone is that you need to be good at self-governance and don't overreach the bounds because you will be held accountable. |
The bottom line is that government cannot cut constitutional corners even in pursuit of a goal it identifies as being for the public good. |
Whether the police or a school want to search or seize a person, it has to be done in a manner that's reasonable. There was no reason to suspect any single person in that hallway, yet every single person in there was forced, with no choice, and seized by police in a completely unreasonable manner. |