Our team has done a great job. They're working hard on a global basis to be a world-class company, and we have made a lot of investments in information age projects, ... For example, we spent about $150 million to upgrade our telecommunications and upgrade our information and business processes. So, we see productivity improvements will help us and we see a lot of companies making that kind of investment. |
Our wedding coincided with the bombing of the East End of London. It was a very nice day in June and we had a few guests around and it was war time. We had been looking at the sunset. Suddenly, we looked and we saw what appeared to be another sunset on the other side -- that was the bombing of the East End; we didn't realize it. Then we saw air battles going on above us and we realized what was happening. |
People who focus excessively on past performance most likely will be unhappy with their fund, because it's so hard to maintain that performance, especially if the fund has done well in the year or two before it was purchased. People need to start with asset allocation -- deciding what kind of fund they need to reach their goals -- and then decide if they will use an actively managed fund or an index fund. |
Print providers want to leverage business opportunities and maximize their investment in digital technology by printing a wide range of transactional, on-demand, and publishing applications, including those requiring MICR. Typically, these applications are associated with specific market segments and equipment, but with this system, a variety of work is possible on a single digital continuous-feed device. |
Print providers want to leverage business opportunities and maximize their investment in digital technology by printing a wide range of transactional, on-demand, and publishing applications, including those requiring MICR. Typically, these applications are associated with specific market segments and equipment, but with this system, a variety of work is possible on a single digital continuous-feed device. |
Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, / Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? / Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. |
Sikorsky workers have been fortunate that, for a long time, they have not been asked to pay. Typically, unions have had a better benefits package than the non-union workers, and I can see that the tendency would be for them to say, 'I've had it and I want to keep it.' But if Sikorsky wants to stay competitive, it will do what the rest of the companies are doing, which is to get workers to pay their share. |
Single molecule absorption spectroscopy is an extremely sensitive technique for analytical chemistry, for measuring electrical properties of molecules, and for studying energy transfer on surfaces. While most molecules don't fluoresce -- limiting the usefulness of single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy -- all molecules absorb, making single molecule absorption spectroscopy a much more general approach. |
Sloping land is somewhat impermeable to water, thus a considerable amount of water is lost by runoff. Crops grown on these sites are less likely to be adversely impacted by saturated soil conditions during prolonged rainy periods, but are prone to a loss of natural fertility due to erosion. Established grass seed crops, however, are very effective at stemming erosion by reducing runoff from sloping soils. |
So We sent among them an apostle from among them, saying: Serve Allah, you have no god other than Him; will you not then guard (against evil)? / And the chiefs of his people who disbelieved and called the meeting of the hereafter a lie, and whom We had given plenty to enjoy in this world's life, said: This is nothing but a mortal like yourselves, eating of what you eat from and drinking of what you drink. |
Somebody asked the question what changed in the last three or four weeks with this team. It's the mentality. We haven't let our offense dictate who we were defensively. Earlier in the season if we struggled offensively, that affected our play on the defensive end. I don't care what happens on the offensive end. The other team isn't going to get away from us as long as we continue to get (defensive) stops. |
Someone should hire Gil Haskell to be their head coach, for sure. Now, that would be a big loss to me personally. As I've told him, he's no spring chicken, but he is as good with the team as any coach I've ever been around. ... He's not a self-promoter. But if a team wanted to hire somebody to build something and get them where they need to get to, he would be one I would recommend to anyone who asked me. |
Taking stock of the factors people think are crucial to being an American might be instructive if only to offer a glimpse of the cultural values that Americans ascribe to their culture. The report represents the public's tension between celebrating cultural diversity and encouraging immigrant groups to 'blend in.' One person's display of cultural pride is another person's refusal to culturally assimilate. |