80 ordspråk av Chris Burke

Chris Burke

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 I was going up there thinking about laying down a bunt the first pitch,

 I was hardly the hero tonight. Roy was great.

 I was upset about not getting the first bunt down, ... I think they (the Brewers) probably figured I'd be bunting again with Lance on deck, and he (Santos) threw a fastball right down the middle.

 I wasn't sore today, so I'll give it a shot, ... I have a full range of motion.

 I went 0-fer, unfortunately. [The beard] was starting to aggravate me quite a bit, too.

 I'd be lying if I said I didn't think about how it all might work out. I had a blast. The thing about the outfield, it can be pretty relaxing out there if you have good at-bats. If you don't, you stand out there thinking about them.

 I'm a lot better, ... Hopefully if I can continue to improve on a daily basis as much as I did, I feel optimistic about my chances of playing again soon.

 I'm continuing to work on range of motion and my strength, ... It's coming back pretty quick. Hopefully, it can continue to progress at that pace.

 I'm going to try to go through the same pregame workout as far as taking fly balls, ground balls, and I'm going to take BP, ... Hopefully, everything goes good (today), and I'll be available Tuesday.

 I'm just glad I could do my part, ... It was draining, mentally draining.

 I'm just going to out there, relax, make the plays that I'm supposed to make and hopefully help the team out until Adam can get back out on the field.

 I'm just starting to grasp it, because these are the types of homers you always see replayed. And now one of them is mine.

 I'm pretty fired up about how much I improved,

 I'm trying not to think too much about it,

 I'm trying to make my way around the diamond.

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