203 ordspråk av Hamid Karzai

Hamid Karzai

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  Afghanistan shares in every way the emotions and suffering of our brothers in Pakistan,

 (It) is the day of self-determination for the Afghan people,

 a prosperous, secure and peaceful Afghanistan.

 A vote of 2 million feet coming back into Afghanistan is a significant trust in a system that is emerging,

 Afghanistan is a good partner, it will stay a good partner, and I'm sure that the future of the two countries will be good and a wonderful relationship should be expected to come in the future.

 Afghanistan is very satisfied with Croatia's participation in the NATO-led peace mission and expects Croatia to expand its contribution to peace restoration in Afghanistan to other areas as well.

 Afghanistan was very happy to see a dialogue for better relations between India and Pakistan. Afghanistan is directly affected by friendship between the two countries,

 Afghanistan will, by the grace of God, stand on its own feet in three to four years' time. Till then, of course, we need strong support from the international community, including the United States, to stay with us and support us fully.

 After the 23 years of war and disaster in Afghanistan, to be known for peace is really nice and enjoyable, but I believe President Carter deserved it,

 All of us-- India, Pakistan and Afghanistan -- need to join hands to fight this global menace,

 All that the Afghan people are saying is ... (there needs to be) more intensive pursuit of terrorists wherever they may be, in Afghanistan or Pakistan, to go to the roots of where they are and bring them out.

 and not to forget the Muslim Afghan population who they assisted during their jihad against the Soviet occupation.

 as long as they are needed and in whatever numbers they are needed.

 As the country now turns a new leaf, our ambition is to give hope to each and every Afghan.

 attach importance to developing relations with all neighboring countries, including Pakistan.

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