203 ordspråk av Hamid Karzai

Hamid Karzai

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 Our people look upon the presence of these forces as a sign of continued commitment of the international community to peace and security in Afghanistan. Many world leaders have reassured our nation of their commitment.

 parts of the Muslim world today suffer from stagnation, violence and a weakening of state institutions which curtail their ability to address the demands of their populations.

 Prime Minister Rasmussen explained Denmark's position on [the drawings], which was very satisfactory to me as a Moslem.

 puppet governments ... set up to sabotage jihad.

 rebuilding Afghanistan and developing friendly trade and business ties between our countries.

 Secretary Powell's visit today shows to us the commitment of the United States of America,

 Six months have passed since that horrible, horrible event of terrorism in the twin towers and Washington. I hope people all over the world recognize that these bad people, these criminals who committed crimes like that will be shown to the courts, and the people will have justice, and that we all shall work together to prevent these bad people from hurting us again.

 Soldiers will be in the streets for a while. You cannot avoid that. We have removed a major obstacle in Afghanistan,

 Sooner or later we will have a single command for the two operations and they will be under the NATO banner,

 Terrorism as a force is gone. As individuals they are all around and we will continue to look for them.

 Terrorism has no place in Afghanistan.

 Terrorism will remain to affect us, will remain to attack us, for much more time to come, ... What is important for us right now is to continue to ... strengthen democratic institutions.

 Terrorism, ladies and gentlemen, in my eyes I have a very, very, very simple explanation. Gangs of criminals, killers, used unfortunately by certain governments in the past for political purposes, who are on their own now as gangs.

 Thank you very much, Mr. President, for that.

 That is not something that's permitted under the Geneva Convention or the laws of the United States. That is not to say that somebody else couldn't characterize something in a way that would fit what I described.

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