203 ordspråk av Hamid Karzai

Hamid Karzai

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 The new constitution replaces the Taliban-imposed gender discrimination by assigning 25 percent of the seats in our future parliament for women,

 The new constitution replaces the Taliban-imposed gender discrimination by assigning 25 percent of the seats in our future parliament for women.

 The people of Iran, not only in our fight against terrorism and in our jihad, they cooperated. But they also [accepted] more than 2 million afghan and they supported them and provided education for the children of Afghanistan. For this also we are very grateful.

 The three countries jointly can have a massive impact on the economy of this region and worldwide.

 The U.N. report was not correct,

 Their participation in the election is a very positive step,

 There has been cooperation from Pakistan in the anti-terrorist drive and relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan are thriving very, very well.

 There is clear and compelling evidence ... his forces specifically engaged in widespread killing.

 There is no doubt about what happened, and that's why we made that strict, strong decision to announce and arrest them.

 There is no wiggle room in the president's mind or my mind about torture,

 There was no war there: It was plain killing fields.

 There will be threats ... but that would not deter the Afghan people from participating. We will soon have a parliament,

 There will be threats, there will be terrorist activity, but that won't deter the Afghan people.

 There will not be any lenient hand there,

 There's so much more work to be done ... Afghanistan is still not be able to stand on its own feet, ... The international community should even give more.

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