203 ordspråk av Hamid Karzai

Hamid Karzai

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 It's really difficult for me to say in certain terms as to where he could be, ... Probably in Afghanistan, probably on the borders between Afghanistan and Pakistan or, God knows, on some other borders.

 it's the decision of the Afghan people. Very good. As a matter of fact, I want a good, strong parliament.

 Let us stop this blame game. Instead of blaming Afghanistan, the international community must come and fulfill its own objective to the Afghan people.

 Life without Liberty is far worse than death.

 Lots of people had much misinformation. The second report, the official report, will be much more accurate,

 more fighting in the weeks ahead.

 No coalition forces should go to Afghan homes without the authorization of the Afghan government. ... The use of air power is something that may not be very effective now. ... That's what I mean by a change in strategy.

 No fugitive can run forever.

 Now I can tell them yes, the U.S. will stay with us.

 occasions of terrorist activity.

 On this day of a new, peaceful, prosperous era for our country, I would like to wish for the best for Afghanistan.

 Once the Afghan people vote and they choose their President with direct, secret ballot from all over the country, there will be a lot of difference in this country and a lot of legitimate power to flow with implementation.

 open trade and regional economic cooperation.

 Our brothers in Pakistan, we are negotiating with them, we are in contact with them,

 Our country needs stability,

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