203 ordspråk av Hamid Karzai

Hamid Karzai

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 Fugitives, criminals cannot hide forever, and Saddam Hussein's capture proved that,

 Has a fugitive run forever? No, at least not in my country. We will catch him one day, sooner or later.

 has been unwilling to assert strong leadership.

 He can't run the parliament, but it won't eat him alive - and a fractured parliament is better than a majority working against him.

 He excels in wheeling and dealing - I'm sure he'll manage the parliament. He is an utterly decent man who wants to do the right thing [but he is constrained by circumstances] and he wants to be loved by all.

 He's a very peaceful person,

 He's a very peaceful person, ... He has enormous capabilities of dialogue and enormous diplomatic skill to negotiate, and is a person who really believes that Afghan national unity is the fundamental resource that we have to establish peace in Afghanistan.

 His presence there, I'm sure, will add to stability and peace in Afghanistan.

 I am saddened that the lives of many Afghan people, mainly soldiers serving the Afghan nation, were lost, ... I condemn the attack in the strongest terms.

 I discussed the possibility of transit through Pakistan to Afghanistan to Central Asia. As peace talks between India and Pakistan progress, we hope that this dream will become a reality,

 I don't think he's been captured yet. If he has been captured, I would know it, but I hope he'll be captured soon.

 I don't think there is a big need for military activity in Afghanistan anymore,

 I expected to see them standing.

 I have no information about this, and I got the information through media.

 I hope that the development of friendly ties between Afghanistan and Russia will help stability in the whole region,

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