203 ordspråk av Hamid Karzai

Hamid Karzai

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 That is why we are making history after 30 years of wars, interventions, occupations and misery.

 That journey to democracy and peace deserves the support and respect of every nation, ... because free nations do not breed the ideology of terror.

 The Afghan people demand and insist on disarming and demobilizing private militias, ... Only with your support, and that of the international community, can we achieve this necessary goal.

 The Afghan people demand and insist on disarming and demobilizing private militias. Only with your support, and that of the international community, can we achieve this necessary goal.

 The Afghan people have done their job. Now the international community must come and provide alternative revenue to the Afghan people which they have not done so far,

 The Afghan people have proven once again that they know their interests, that they can work for tomorrow, that they have a vision and they will vote for that vision,

 The Afghan people see this as their chance to build a better future, to take this country forward,

 The attacks after the elections are a clear indication of the frustration that exists (because) of the success in Afghanistan of the political process,

 The Cabinet decided that [the suspects] will be announced, that they would be arrested and they would be brought to justice. The Cabinet is fully, fully united.

 The capture of Saddam Hussein has proven to the bad ones, to the guilty ones, to the sinful ones that they cannot run forever. Sooner or later, the other criminals will also be found from their hideouts.

 The elections are important for the Afghanistan of today and tomorrow, ... We are going to have a new life.

 The fight, this war, this fight against the remnants of terrorism will go on for some time, ... The News Hour with Jim Lehrer.

 The major lesson in Afghanistan was that the Afghan people wanted change, from the tyranny of terrorism, ... The Iraqi people also will gain nothing if they allow these people to come from outside and destroy their lives. They must go to polls. They must take this opportunity, elect their people to parliament, and have a government of their own, and have peace. That's a desire for them and a way out for them, from our side.

 The more we don't hear from him, the more time passes, there's the likelihood that he is probably dead or seriously wounded somewhere.

 The nature of the war on terrorism in Afghanistan has changed now,

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