203 ordspråk av Hamid Karzai

Hamid Karzai

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 These different forces are helping the provinces to rebuild themselves. A unified command of all these forces would be more efficient,

 They will be given to justice. They have committed a murder, and let justice decide. Let the courts decide.

 They're criminals, they brutalized Afghanistan, they killed our people, they destroyed our land.

 This event is proof once again that the culture of the knife and gun is something we should save the people from, and see the way to peace.

 This flag ... is raised not without costs, ... without the costs of having struggled for many years, without the costs of having lost so many lives in order to have a free and sovereign and good Afghanistan.

 This immortal phoenix, this beloved Afghanistan, once again rose from the ashes of invasion and subjection.

 This is simply not acceptable,

 This is the first time that Afghanistan is going to elections. We all expected problems in the elections. We feared worse than that.

 This terrorist act is shocking and despicable. It is aimed at killing innocent civilians, and I condemn it in the strongest terms.

 This visit today will I'm sure further promote the brotherly links between the two countries,

 This visit will also pave the way for the strengthening of economic activity in this region. It will show us to a better more prosperous region.

 This vote is not just to choose a president, but for peace and stability in Afghanistan,

 Those should be looked for and arrested and put to trial.

 to a complete democratic system in the country to emerge in another hopefully five to six months.

 to thank the French people for the help France has given Afghanistan.

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