203 ordspråk av Hamid Karzai

Hamid Karzai

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 Today's constitution has included all needs of Afghans from different parts of the country and indeed it reflects the hopes of the Afghan people,

 transparent and very free.

 Two or three times, I have received a call from the southwest indicating that Mullah Omar may be here or there. We will look for him, and if we find where he is,

 very strongly.

 We are glad and happy for what Pakistan is now doing on their territory to chase terrorists and to arrest them,

 We are in a much better situation today than we were six months ago, than we were a year ago or before that, ... I am sure six months from now, a year from now, Afghanistan will be better served by the government, better administered by the country and more secure.

 We are making history.

 We are making history. After 30 years of war, intervention and misery, today Afghanistan is moving forward.

 We are making history. It's the day of self-determination for the Afghan people. After 30 years of wars, interventions, occupations and misery, today Afghanistan is moving forward, making an economy, making political institutions.

 We are very happy that this went on peacefully, we are very happy that the Afghan people came to participate so massively. That's what I care about -- the will of the Afghan people, and I'm sure the Afghan people have voted freely, without fear, without intimidation.

 We are very sure that the election will take place peacefully,

 We cannot allow this country to be influenced by mafia and narcotics-related activities. It kills our economy. It destroys our reputation. So we are going to work against it.

 We do not like such incidents and I hope such incidents will not occur again.

 We do not think a serious terrorist challenge is emanating from Afghanistan.

 We feared lots of attacks, lots of sabotage, lots of terrorist activities,

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