He's a great front man. He added a lot to the early days of Van Halen. |
I'd be less than honest to say it will be exactly the same here. Government (work) has some sense of security to it but many jobs have been lost. But what government doesn't have is flexibility. And we think we can do things in better and more creative ways. |
I'd say we lost between 25 and 30 percent of our business. |
If we could show some of these parents a videotape of how their children behave on these buses, they'd be shocked. |
In the absence of facts, people believe what they want to believe. |
Our lease ran out and we decided not to renew because of all the construction (on U.S. 41). We loved that spot, but fiscally, we couldn't keep up with the sales we needed. |
Some people and I don't see eye to eye on this, but (state officials are) giving us a wonderful opportunity, an opportunity they haven't given other communities. |
The easiest thing they can do is use their nose and smell people food. |
The eight-slice capability means that you do not sacrifice quality to get an extremely valuable asset that can be transported to a critical patient. |
The team did the best that we've ever done with a schedule that was more intense. This is the first time we've brought home three awards. |
They're a little bit more fired up, maybe. |
We're trying to light that fire or maybe pour gasoline on that fire. You just have to get out the door and run. It's the easiest sport, but it's the hardest sport. |
When it's done it will be better, but there will be some give and take. There will be some shuffling but I don't see a lot of drastic changes. |