12 ordspråk av Bob Stevens

Bob Stevens

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 A resurgence of demand is unlikely, but we believe there will be a flight to quality. We will not sell a ride on a specific launch vehicle - Atlas or Proton. Instead we will sell a ticket to orbit and diversify the launch risk.

 As the Baby Boomer generation retires, the demand for young scientists and engineers is expected to increase at almost four times the rate of all other occupations. In 10 years there will be a major work force gap in technical industries if we do not strengthen the interest today's young people have in math, science, technology and engineering. The Design Challenges are a vehicle to achieve that goal.

 At the moment Ed is the only one who does not endorse John.

 It's a real loss for the city and for veterans. He'll be sorely missed.

 The future is very cloudy. We may be a totally member-supported organization in a short time ? that?s the worst possible case.

 The HMT acquisition aligns with the Corporation's cash deployment strategy of acquiring companies that enhance our core focus areas and position us for future growth.

 The owners were receptive to donating the River Queen to us if we can raise the money. If can't get pledges or make a significant impact, we'll back out.

 There is an on-going failure to establish a mutually acceptable format on such issues as fund-raising and publicity. The Rainier Historical Society regrets that such a move has to occur, as we had been hopeful that the River Queen might have a chance at being restored as a restaurant.

 We just don't have the people (we need). When someone takes off, they need to be replaced.

 We weren't happy with the language, but that was put in at the insistence of the personnel director.

 We've have a number of seniors here. They couldn't come in through all this mud.

 What I like about (the center) is, if you pick any subject, say drug interdiction, (you can ask) is the nation better served or would the Coast Guard be better served to have ships or rotary winged aircraft or fixed wing aircraft or something else?

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