11 ordspråk av Steve Stevens

Steve Stevens

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 For what we receive as special benefit, we will willingly pay. We'd love to be able to still sit down with the city and work out something that's practical.

 Guitar World ... orchestrates the growls and snarls that come off his guitar much the same way that Bernstein conducts the Philharmonic.

 He loved being Scotty,

 He loved the whole 'Star Trek' thing. I don't think people knew what a terrific actor he was.

 If we had unlimited amounts of money it would be everyone's desire to clean it to the highest possible quality so we could have recreation 365 days a year, but that's unrealistic. There are limited dollars.

 It's so complicated. You cannot find one simple solution to knock down this cost.

 There is no question that this is a tremendous opportunity for Crestview Hills, ... I think there will be a ripple effect all the way up Dixie Highway.

 There is no question that this is a tremendous opportunity for Crestview Hills. I think there will be a ripple effect all the way up Dixie Highway.

 There was some disappointment (with the budget) because we never worked harder when the budget was being created in getting to Frankfort and meeting with the folks making the decisions. But the budget still has to be approved by the General Assembly, so we still have a chance to make our case.

 This needs to be a little wider, ... I could see how it could get crowded here in the summer.

 When you invest in Northern Kentucky in any project, it's almost a certainty that you're going to double your investment over time.

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This website focuses on proverbs in the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian languages, and some parts including the links below have not been translated to English. They are mainly FAQs, various information and webpages for improving the collection.

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