7 ordspråk av Breine Stevens

Breine Stevens

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 If you're worried about weight gain, diet pop should be the least of your worries. I've never heard of this study and therefore would question its validity.

 It helps build the baby's bones. What happens is if the mom isn't getting enough calcium, the fetus will take the calcium from the mom's bones.

 One should not have to diet, but rather take small steps to lose weight gradually and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

 Protein helps with the growth of the fetus. We recommend lean meat, poultry, fish and eggs. The last nutrient is iron. It is needed because when you're pregnant, your blood volume expands and you don't want to have anemia.

 Students who are on diets generally want a quick fix to lose weight. In order to stay healthy one has to eat healthy by eating one of each item from the food pyramid chart.

 The first nutrient is folic acid. This reduces the risk of the baby having neural tube effects. That is basically birth defects on the brain or the spinal cord. You can get 100 percent of you daily value of folic acid by having a cup of fortified cereal.

 The mom's nutrition, what she's taking in, can have outcomes affecting the baby's life such as chronic diseases like diabetes.

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