23 ordspråk av Anne Stevens

Anne Stevens

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 As a leader in both hybrid vehicles and in vehicles capable of operating on ethanol-based fuels, Ford is the ideal company to bring both technologies together for the first time.

 I believe that vehicles are very passionate, emotional extensions of ourselves.

 I don't think the magazine has any bias. There is still a gap between us and the Asians. I realize that, and there's more (improvement) to go after.

 I don't think we're late with hybrids. We brought out the first full American hybrid. We brought out the first SUV hybrid.

 I had a boss who told me that if I really wanted to reach my potential there I had to get rid of my excess baggage, and he meant my husband and kids. So it wasn't clean sailing.

 I just enjoy being out there with cars and people and just really getting into the relationship. It's part of who I always was.

 I remember my father coming over and trying to pry me off the fence, and I'm yelling 'No! No!

 I was top in my class until they put me on the floor and I saw that they were wanting me to change bedpans and I quit.

 If the government and the infrastructure is there, the technology is there today to go as far as we want to go with this.

 Norfolk has a wonderful history and reputation, but this is part of the total 'Way Forward' turnaround strategy.

 Our goal is to build more trucks with fewer plants.

 The push has to be there. This is not an easy business. But if I can bring the aspect to the business that at the end of the day, we're still human beings, and that it's OK to push but it's OK once in a while to give a hug... then I think that's important.

 This innovative research program could lead to breakthroughs to significantly reduce our nation's dependence on imported oil while also helping to address global climate change.

 We are committed to developing strong relationships with a select group of more capable, more financially stable strategic suppliers on a long-term basis. Strong suppliers and proven processes that everyone sticks to religiously go hand in hand with delivering innovation, quality and lower costs.

 We are now well past the point in which one or two hit products can correct the overcapacity we have or justify the staffing levels we maintain -- even with the significant actions we've taken during the past couple of years. Sadly, this isn't just a Ford issue. It's an issue for our domestic competitors as well. As hard and painful as it is to idle plants and reduce our work force, we know these sacrifices are critical to set the stage for a stronger future.

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