Both agree that there is nothing more important than the safety and security of our families. There are a lot of issues that they share similar beliefs on, national security being one of them. |
Details of those debates are to be determined. |
He's taking a lead on the ethics reform initiative in the Senate right now, and wanted to set an example by donating all the contributions to charity. |
Sen. Santorum has and will continue to carefully evaluate each aspect of the budget. |
Sen. Santorum is committed to carrying out the responsibilities associated with his official role as a U.S. senator. His remaining time is balanced with the priorities of his family and the challenge of running statewide. |
The Human Rights Campaign is one of the most liberal organizations in the country, and their endorsement of Bob Casey just goes to show how far outside the mainstream Bob Casey has become. |
The reason we came is because we wanted to patronize the businesses in San Anselmo. We feel so badly about how they've suffered and all the damage they had. I think -- I hope -- a lot of people are doing what we are doing. |
The senator is grateful for the tremendous support he has received from every corner of Pennsylvania. He has received contributions from each county. |
We don't really expect to see a real shift until the campaigns are truly under way. When both candidates are out on the campaign trail more regularly, when candidates are on the air and I think also when voters are more engaged. |
When people start to find out what Casey believes, it will affect his support. |