406 ordspråk av Mike Davis

Mike Davis

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 The sixth seed was great. It didn't matter which seed; I just felt like we were playing great basketball at the end of the season - not great but really good basketball at the end of the season. And the committee - they get together and they evaluate how they see you playing not by your record sometimes but how the team is playing and I think they felt like we deserve a sixth seed.

 The thing that I like about this schedule is that it will provide an objective gauge of our team's progress. Games with Duke, Kentucky and Connecticut will showcase our program nationally, while we have also had some great games in the past few years with Indiana State, Butler and Ball State.

 The things I'm trying to get (the team) to do should never even be involved in being a coach. I should be trying to coach basketball and these guys should really enjoy their college career ... I don't know if I've had a team that's had positive memories out of this whole deal since I've been here.

 The turning point of the basketball game was fouling him out of the game.

 The whole year we've gone with Marco because he's our inside guy. If you don't have him, then it's a different style of basketball.

 The X-rays last night didn't show anything, for sure, ... Hopefully, he can come back soon.

 There are a couple of bad spots here and there. We were able to place certain things in there, but the wood that's broken will all be replaced.

 There are no special emotions, just disappointment on losing the game. I felt like we had an opportunity but they came up with the big play. They made their plays and we missed ours.

 There's an outside chance, probably about 15 percent. It's going to be real tight. If he comes back, he's nowhere near ready.

 There's going to be people stuck not having crews.

 There's zero belief in the political system. The mayor is not a popular black figure.

 These courts are pretty expensive to light. We installed motion detectors that automatically turn the lights on when people enter, and then shut them off 30 seconds after they leave.

 These guys are emotional, they love me of course and I love them. The day I stepped down I said we'd do something special and I think we will. We have some good basketball ahead of us.

 These guys are having fun now, and the day I stepped down, I said they would. They're having fun, and that's what's important to me, to see the kids have fun again. … I know a lot of people wrote us off, but we have a good basketball team.

 These kids expect great things. Probably anything less than a state championship would probably be a disappointment.

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