158 ordspråk av Sung Won Sohn

Sung Won Sohn

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 This cut ... won't do much good to perk up economic growth, ... Now, bond yields should be trending up. The Achilles' heel of the economy, business spending, won't be affected much by this cut.

 This economic indicator continues the string of statistical signs supporting the current Federal Reserve stance, ... The recovery seems to continue, but it is still too weak to generate sufficient payroll growth for inflationary pressure.

 This is a terrible number. The economic recovery is almost three years old, and the economy should be producing 200,000 to 300,000 jobs per month.

 This is what economists call a simultaneous process, meaning that it works both ways.

 This really was the nail in the coffin for the Aug. 24 meeting, ... I think it implies interest rates will go up faster in the future.

 This really was the nail in the coffin for the Aug. 24 meeting. I think it implies interest rates will go up faster in the future.

 This really was the nail in the coffin for the Aug. 24 meeting. I think it implies interest rates will go up faster in the future.

 This report is a slow boat to China, reflecting continuing business caution about hiring people. Facing unprecedented competition from both domestic and foreign sources, businesses are still focused on productivity gains with as few employees as possible.

 This report is clearly disappointing,

 This scenario is highly unlikely, but can't be ruled out. The best outcome is a gradual and orderly fall in the value of the dollar improving the trade balance; this is in fact what has been happening.

 This shows manufacturing continues to get deeper into recession,

 This summer's energy shock will cascade through the economy. A brutal winter heating season can't be ruled out. Detroit is losing steam,

 This summer's energy shock will cascade through the economy. A brutal winter heating season can't be ruled out. Detroit is losing steam.

 This summer's energy shock will cascade through the economy. A brutal winter heating season can't be ruled out. Detroit is losing steam.

 This time around, my guess is that the lead may end up being shorter than the historic average, ... I wouldn't rule out the possibility of the stock market being an almost coincident indicator.

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